Sunday 12 February 2012

Sketchbooks - Concept drawing

A few pages from my sketchbook showing some concept art for the children's book I am currently working on. It is a quirky, funny little story which I wrote a few months ago which should (hopefully) end up being a 32 page picture book playing on themes like the origins of the universe and cultural difference (I dont want to give too much away yet!).

These sketches were done using a standard 0.5mm HB mechanical pencil. I use them to nail down some of the disparate ideas I have for the story, playing with ideas for characters, compositional ideas, and motifs I want in the book. The final image is a flat plan I use to help me get an idea of how to break down the story and how I want to design the overall book.

Stay tuned to see how this develops over the coming months.

1 comment:

  1. great images Tim and good to see you acknowledging the work of others.
