Narrative Illustration & Characters

A Selection of recent work based around narrative illustration (e.g. Children's picture books & comics)

 Character concept

 Concept drawing for current project.
(Graphite sketch)

 Character concept
(Watercolour & Ink) 

Character concept based on the main character from 
Rudyard Kipling's 'The Elephant child'
(mixed hand & digital rendering)
Character concept for Crocodile character from 
Rudyard Kipling's 'The Elephant child'
(Hand rendered ink)

Illustration for 'Sweat cloth, oh Sweat cloth' (Boutique fashion house - London)
(Mixed hand & digital rendering)

Character concepts for Steampunk story based around Darwin's voyage on the Beagle

Character concepts for current children's book project.

Landscape / Scenery Sketch
(graphite - on location)

Landscape / Scenery Sketch
(graphite - on location)

Landscape / Scenery Sketch
(graphite - on location)

Extract from 'Pea Patch Podling' 
A short comic written by Andrew Whyatt
(Hand drawn & Digital Colours)

Extract from 'Gods Warmth'
(Written & Illustrated by me - Pencil & Ink)